Birds in Flight
Capturing birds in flight is always a challenge. The secret is the proper camera settings and most of all….patience.
The landscape changes over night as the first major winter snowfall blankets the Hudson Valley.
Bird Behavior
Watching bird behavior at a feeder can make the experience more enlightening and more enjoyable.
More Wintering Waterfowl
More and more wintering waterfowl are joining us in the lower Hudson Valley as the arctic blast continues to roll over the region.
Eagle maturation
Why doesn’t this Bald eagle have a white head? Find out in this post entitled ”Eagle Maturation”
First chase…
When a rare bird is found and then reported on the web, birders will “chase” it to see if they can add the bird to their “life list” or perhaps a “county list”. It’s not always a successful venture, however.
Wintering eagles
Colder temperatures in the northeast are bringing ice to the Hudson River and driving Bald eagles from the north country down to our section of the state.
Iona Island
The second half of our Palisades Interstate Park bio inventory takes out onto Iona Island.
1777 Trail
Wintery weather and a heavily eroded trail made for difficult hiking along the 1777 Trail in Bear Mountain today.
Stopping by for breakfast…
Accipiters are birds built for speed and manuervability…..great for catching small birds in flight!
Dimorphism - How can we tell if the birds we are looking at are male or females. In some cases, it’s pretty obvious.
Open water…
Many birds such as waterfowl and predators like the Bald eagle rely on open water to be able to access food in the form of vegetation and small fish from Ponds, lakes and rivers.
Birds of a feather….
Some species of birds are almost always found in groups of large numbers of their own kind.